- Chloe (looking down at the portal): "So why's this portal red when the others are purple?"
- Zia: "The energy's a different frequency class than the others." "I've been experimenting with nonrepeating wavelengths based on a prime sieve, and — "
- Chloe (frowning): "..."
- Zia (brightly): "And the chi bosons oscillate on a pair of compound octonion axes instead of the singular eighth-order axis they usually oscillate on, and — " Chloe: (darker look).
- Zia (shrugs, grinning): " — and honestly, I have no clue."
- Chloe: "Next time, start there." Zia (salutes): "Sir yes ma'am!" *fwip*
Characters: Chloe, Zia
Prime sieve. Chi boson. Octonion. Clue.
— Inker