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#183. Boom Chapter 6. Angel's Among Us

Ch 6.14 * #183 * Apr. 7, 2024
  1. Zia (coldly): "Boom." (slams plugs together).
  2. (Machine revs up.) *whrrrrrr*
  3. (Machine revs up more.) *vnnnnnnn*
  4. (Machine revs *way* up, and we see shadowy figures.) *vooom* *wrom* *vzzz*
  5. (The shadowy figures resolve as young women with red skin and tails.) *_sssssssshhhh — _*
  6. (Machine shuts down, revealing Angela, Angelica, and Angeline.)
  7. (Zia goes to the young women on the dais.) Zia: "Allow me to introduce to you the Angels. They're all you — from other realities."
  8. Zia (coldly, while the Angels grin behind her): "And now everyone can see what I always could: That every version of you in every reality is a monster."
Character: Zia

As soon as Zia says she has an elaborate trap set up for you, you've already lost.

— Inker