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#221. Concession Chapter 7. Time Out

Ch 7.16 * #221 * Jan. 26, 2025
  1. Young Chloe: "So is it cool?" Adult Chloe: "What?"
  2. Young Chloe: "You know, being a centaur?" "Are there others?" "Are we famous?" "Do we have a centaur boyfriend?" "Do we like — run and gallop everywhere?"
  3. Adult Chloe: "No, what are you thinking?" "There's barely any of me even left in this stupid body!" "I'm like ninety percent farm animal!" "How can you think this is cool?"
  4. Young Chloe: "I think you're making too big a deal out of it." "Sure it's weird, but you didn't die in a war or a car accident or whatever." "It's not like your legs got chopped off." "They're just brown and fuzzy."
  5. Adult Chloe (angrily): "How do I explain this?" "We don't get to choose it!" "This happens to you whether you want it or not!"
  6. Young Chloe (arms crossed): "I didn't get to choose puberty either, but starting three months ago, here we are."
  7. (The Chloes exchange horrified grimaces.) Adult Chloe: "No..." Young Chloe: "Yeah..."
  8. Adult Chloe: "I'll concede that point."

I don't know what happened, and they aren't telling.

— Inker