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#73. Delay #1 Pogs Fillers

Delay #1
#73 * Jul. 5, 2020
  1. Zia (holding up pogs): "Hi, I'm Zia Mendez, and we're here today to talk about POGS. Why? Because Pogs are amazing!"
  2. Chloe: "What are you doing?" Zia: "Inker's still not ready with the script for the next chapter, so I thought I'd do some filler."
  3. Chloe: "Wait, so we're still not doing the next chapter because we don't have a script, but there was enough time to do this?"
  4. Zia: "Pretty much! So about POGS — " Chloe (facepalm): "I gotta call my agent."
Characters: Chloe, Zia

Um... yeah... what she said...

It was either this or breaking my posting streak, so you get this.

— Inker