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#81. Delay #9 Pogs Fillers

Delay #9
#81 * Aug. 30, 2020
  1. Chloe and Zia, standing at the Director's door. Chloe: "Hey, Inker, what's up with the script already? Are we gonna start filming this year, or do I need to contact my agent?"
  2. Chloe and Zia both surprised as some papers slip out from under the Director's door.
  3. Chloe (looking at the cover page): "What the...?" Zia (holding the rest): "It's the finished script."
  4. Zia: "Wow, we're gonna need a lot of new sets." Chloe (irritably grabbing a large mallet): "That fuzzy blue — " " — I can't believe — " "— I am not wearing that costume!"
  5. Zia (cheerfully looking at the camera while yanking Chloe's tail to hold her back): "We need a short hiatus to build the sets, but Day Two will resume its regularly scheduled programming with the new chapter, 'Me, Myself, and Yikes,' starting on October 4, 2020!" Chloe smashing things offpanel. *smash* *smash* *smash*
  6. Zia: "It'll be worth the wait, I swear!" Chloe (offpanel): "MURDER DEATH KILL!" *smash* *smash*
Characters: Chloe, Zia

We really are going on hiatus for a month; I have a script written, but Zia's right: I need time to actually draw it.

...and recover from my injuries.

— Inker