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#141. Dot Dot Dot Miscellaneous Fillers

Dot Dot Dot
#141 * Dec. 4, 2022
  1. Chloe standing, holding a book. Chloe: "..." Zia: "..."
  2. Chloe: "..." Zia: "..."
  3. Chloe, startled, drops the book.
  4. Chloe (irritated): "..." Zia (grinning, her tail wagging): "..."
Characters: Chloe, Zia

Note: We will begin the next mini-arc, FAQ Month, on January 1, 2023. I have too much going on during the holidays to keep up, so you'll have to wait a few weeks for the next content to start. (Fans on Patreon already have access to it, though!)

Here's a fairly ordinary interaction between Chloe and Zia. What are they talking about? You tell me!

10110100 suggested the other day that I should make a comic with empty word bubbles so everyone can fill in their a story, and as I thought about it, I concluded it'd be a fun idea. So here we go!

I use Komika Text Kaps and Komika Display Kaps (bold) as my typefaces for most text, so you can use the proper Day Two speech fonts when you fill in the text.

If we get some really good comics out of this, I'll — I dunno, feature some of them? Depends on the results, really: If they're funny, they definitely need to be shared!

— Inker