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#159. Chloe Character Sheet Character Sheets

Chloe Character Sheet
#159 * May 28, 2023
  1. Chloe. Full name *Chloe Anne Bloom*. Species *Centaur* (Human!). Gender *Female*. Age *25*. Height 6'6" (5'6"!). Weight *650 lbs.* (130 lbs!).
  2. *Yellow* hair, *brown* borders, *white* hilight. Prominent crown in back. Soprano voice. General American English accent. Long straight hair down to her waist. Naturally has body. *Brown* horse body, *Walnut* borders. Slight S-curve. Good conformation.
  3. Long bangs, slightly unkempt. Parted in the middle. *Brown* eyes. Small nose. Doesn't realize she frowns a lot of the time. C cup. Has an entire closet full of the same *Desert Blue* T-shirt. Mesomorph body type. Walks for exercise. A little midriff visible at her blend. Her equine half makes her about a full head taller than most other characters.
  4. *Bio:* Chloe moved to California after college to work at the LA Natural History Museum. She got herself a small apartment with a goofy roommate, and a nice, normal, boring life. And if the Khazovian Portals hadn’t opened up, it might have even stayed that way! But now, turned into a “freak,” she’s just living one day at a time, desperately hoping each day to wake up to the boring life she used to have.
  5. *Appearance:* She has straight blond hair, loose in the back, and brown eyes, and a brown barrel. Wears a dull blue T-shirt, except at work.
  6. *Expressions:* Chloe is calm and reserved most of the time, but when things go wrong, she freaks out.
  7. *Loves*: Books, History, Learning, Quiet, Documentaries, Planning, Warm breezes, Walks in the park, Cheeseburgers, Milkshakes, Morning coffee, Tall guys.
  8. *Hates*: Commotion, Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Catcalls, Horse jokes, Her tail, Loud noise, Confined spaces, Being bothered, Being interrupted, Being impulsive.
Character: Chloe

It's about time for this, don't you think?

We all know the star of the series, but still, I'll bet there are things here on Chloe's character sheet that you didn't actually know until now 🙂 So here's properly introducing Chloe Anne Bloom, age 25 (almost 26), born and raised in Marysville, Ohio, currently living in Pasadena, California with her roommate Zia. She has a Master's Degree in European History, and she works at the Los Angeles Natural History Museum. Her parents have recently retired to Phoenix, Arizona. Chloe's smart, but Zia's brilliance makes her look like a spot in the shade. Chloe's a big fan of quiet, planned, and orderly — too bad the last several months of her life have been anything but.

We're gonna do a few more character sheets this summer. Real Life™ has been doing a good job of messing with me as of late, and until that settles down, it's gonna be a bit before we can start chapter 6. But as of the current script, once we start it, chapter 6 should go for about six months.

— Inker