- The Chloes walking along. Adult Chloe looks pensive.
- Young Chloe (looks up at Adult Chloe): "What're you thinking?" "Are you okay?"
- Adult Chloe (to Young Chloe): "You know what?" "You're right. Our life has sucked for years." "And — I think you're gonna get us out of it."
- Young Chloe: "What about 'Back to the Future,' and destroying the world, and time paradoxes 'n stuff?"
- Adult Chloe: "The universe has been dumping on me for years, even more so after turning into this." "I'm always the butt of every joke, and I'm tired of it. The universe can kiss my big brown ass!" "I don't care about paradoxes, or timelines, or any of that crap." "I just want a goddamn normal quiet life."
- Adult Chloe: "We just got dealt a lucky wildcard, kid." "It's time for the ultimate life hack."
- Young Chloe (nervously looking up at Adult Chloe): "I get scary when I get older."
- Adult Chloe (grinning): "I literally turned into a monster: What did you expect?"
If any of you can get in contact with a blue police box, now would be the time to call it.
— Inker